This forum is organized by the College of Health Sciences COVID-19 Response Committee.
It is a series of sessions for the purpose of…
This forum is organized by the College of Health Sciences COVID-19 Response Committee.
It is a series of sessions for the purpose of…
Monday 6th July 2020: 2-3.30pm
- Protecting health care workers: What is appropriate PPE
Tuesday 7th July 2020: 2-3.30pm
- Detection, prevention and management of renal complications of COVID 19 disease
Wednesday 8th July 2020…
Tuesday 30th June 2020: 2-3.30pm
- Implementation of Home based care for COVID-19 disease: Mombasa County Experience
Wednesday 1st July 2020: 2-3-30pm
- Optimal Nutrition for patients with COVID-19 disease
Thursday 2nd July…
KNH-UoN Zoom webinar Schedule.
Monday 22nd June 2020: 2-3.30pm
- Domestic and Gender Based Violence during COVID period
Wednesday 24th June 2020: 2-3-30pm
- Why is there lower morbidity and mortality of COVID 19 in Africa?…
KNH-UoN Zoom webinar Schedule .
Monday 15th June, 2020: 7-8.30pm
- Adult in-…
You are invited to a KNH -UoN Zoom webinar.
Monday 8th June 2020: 2-3.30pm
- Experiences nursing COVID 19 patients
Tuesday 9th June 2020: 7-8.30pm
- Adult in-patient COVID treatment protocols in Seattle, USA
You are invited to a UoN - KNH Zoom webinar on COVID-19 disease
Monday 18th May 2020 2-3.30pm
You are invited to a KNH -UoN Zoom webinar.
Monday 11th May 2020 7-8.30pm
What have we learned from managing COVID 19 disease in Germany
Tuesday 12th May 2020 2-3.30pm
Enhanced Traffic Control bundling to prevent COVID 19 Nosocomial…
You are invited to a KNH -UoN Zoom webinar.
Monday 4th May 2020 2-3.30pm
COVID 19 vaccine: What is in the pipeline?
Tuesday 5th May 2020 2-3.30pm
COVID 19 disease among individuals with cardiovascular disease
Wednesday 6th…
You are invited to a KNH -UoN Zoom webinar.
Monday 27th April, 2020 2-3.30pm
Blood safety in the COVID-19 era: Is there need for concern?
Hypoxia in COVID disease patients: Should we transfuse?
Tuesday 28th April 2020 2-3.30pm…